Who are you when all the titles and accolades are stripped away? Who did you want to be when you grew up? Are you that person? What happened? What's stopping you? If given the opportunity, do you still want to be that person? Are you happy with who you've become? If not, become who you've always wanted to be. It's not too late. You've got 363 chances to get it right. And if you get discouraged along the way, just look in the mirror and try to see yourself through God's eyes.
We interrupt your regularly scheduled program to bring you this special announcement. "It's already done." You don't have to worry about the how or even the when. Trust that nothing has taken God by surprise. We spend time worrying about how this is going to get done or how we are going to get the money for this or when is this going to happen. We spend time majoring in the minors. God never said he would disclose the plan. He said he knows the plan. I'm not saying stop working towards something. I'm saying trust that when you get to the end of yourself know that God is there to fill in the gap. I'm saying that when you get to the end of your resources and connects know that God is a provider. We never have to worry about the issue of how. We have to have faith and know, "it is already done." God never gives a vision without provision. God gives seed to the sower. If he can clothe a flower, clearly he can clothe you and supply all of your needs. Be mindful that you are created in the image of God. He said, "let there be" not "how can there be?" Trust God and don't worry about how.