Filtering by Tag: vision
We are twenty-seven days into the new year, and there has been a lot of death. Some have been prepared for the losses that occurred, while others have been completely taken aback. Life is unpredictable. It is fragile. It is full of unknowns. Just like we don’t know the day or the hour for Christ’s return, we don’t know when we will be called home or how. We need to live every day to the fullest. Apologize. Forgive. Let go. Kiss and Hug your loved ones. You don’t know what day will be your last. Prepare. Plan. Make sure your affairs are in order. Have the difficult conversations while you still have time.
Matthew 24:36 NIV “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.
Joseph was a dreamer. Daniel was a dreamer. Solomon was a dreamer. Martin was a dreamer. God uses dreams to speak to his people. God still uses dreams to speak to his people. Maybe he uses nocturnal motivation because he wants to avoid our doubts and excuses. Maybe if we were awake, we would question our abilities and resources. Dreams have a way of motivating us and terrifying us as well. What are your dreams telling you? Are your dreams directing you? Are your dreams motivating you? What is God saying to you in your dreams?
The Book of Psalms references not being moved or shaken. It describes a tree planted by rivers, and God being a rock and salvation. We live in a world that promotes fleeting emotions, and we find ourselves rooted in nothing. Our foundations are unsure because we don’t believe in anything. What was the last thing you felt so strongly about that you could not be moved or shaken? How grounded are you? What do you believe? Are you planted or placed? Is God really your rock and salvation? Be strong and of courage. Don’t be moved.
Appointed Time
Three years ago, I wrote a check to business. I put the picture of that check in my closet. Everyday I got dressed, I saw that check. Everyday, I was working towards receiving that check. Today, I received a check in the exact same amount written to my business. I have vision boards filled with things that have not come to pass yet. I have vision boards filled with things that have come to pass. Our timing is not God's timing. We just have to write the vision, and trust that God will do the rest. Work the vision. Trust the vision. It will come to pass at the appointed time.
“Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.”
-Harriet Tubman
Harriet’s dream was freedom. She made it a reality for herself and made sure that others experienced her dream as well. She was a dreamer. Martin was a dreamer. His dream echoes every February. It serves as a reminder of how far we have come and how far we have to go. You are a dreamer. You have the strength and fortitude to execute your vision. What do you dream about? How close are you to making your dreams a reality? What’s stopping you? Who’s helping you? You have what it takes. You’ve seen it. Now is the time to bring your dreams to fruition.
Moses sent out twelve scouts into the Promised Land. Of the twelve, only two came back with a good report. How is it that all twelve went to the same place and saw the same things, but only two saw things differently? Perspective. How are you viewing your current situation? Are you focusing on the obstacles? Are you seeing your current challenges as momentary setbacks? Do you see the glass half full? A positive outlook on a negative situation can change your life. How are your current struggles preparing you? Are they building character or perseverance? Maybe, God is building your faith. No matter what you are currently experiencing, try to have 2/12 vision. See things from God’s point of view.