Fresh Anointing
Every time I hear the word, “anointing” I think about David and his brothers. 1 Samuel 16 speaks about the prophet Samuel coming to Jesse’s home. He meets seven of Jesse’s sons and then sends for the eighth son, David. Samuel anointed David in the presence of his brothers. The little shepherd boy tending to the sheep was God’s anointed. It wasn’t the oldest or the strongest. It wasn’t the smartest or even the seventh. It was the one everyone discounted. I want to remind you that in this season of newness, God is doing a new thing. God is looking for a remnant. God is sending a fresh anointing. It won’t be given to the expected. It won’t be given to the obvious choice. It will be given to the faithful. To those of you who have been serving and have been overlooked….your time is coming. To those of you who have been consistent and dedicated, God sees you. A fresh anointing is coming and it won’t miss you. Just like David, someone will send for you because purpose comes to a place. Continue praying. Continue serving. Continue being faithful because a fresh anointing is coming.