Filtering by Category: Monday Meditations
Casting Call
When you hear the words, “casting call" most people think audition. I did a little research on casting. I found out about a metalworking process where metal is put in a crucible or mold, cooled and then broken out of the mold. I thought of God. God uses the metal, but to create anything the metal had to change forms. Heat was applied. It changed states. It changed forms. It was liquidfied. Then poured and cooled, which brought it back to its original form as a solid, but in a completely different shape. God is putting out a casting call. He wants to reshape us. He wants to recast us. We just have to show up.
Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
I’ve quoted this passage many times but never questioned it. I took this verse to mean to trust God blindly. Ignore my thoughts. Ignore my fears. Trust God. Don’t get me wrong, that is what this scripture is saying, but it is also saying so much more. It is saying lean into God. Lean into the word. Lean into the promises of God. Trust God. Trust your heart over your mind. Don’t overtime it. Just lean in…
I grew up watching Indiana Jones and all sorts of campy movies. I’m familiar with human sacrifices. I’ve seen it before. Christianity is based on sacrifice, and so are all the major religions. Self- sacrifice is Parenting 101. It’s everywhere. During war and peace, there are always sacrifices to be made. In America, we sacrifice the poor and the minority communities. We sacrifice what we don’t value. Interesting enough, God asks for sacrifices, too. God asks for the things we value. God wants our time, our tenth, and our talent. God wants our first fruits. God wants our best. What are you willing to sacrifice?
Nightmare on my street
DJ Jazzy Jeff and The Fresh Prince dropped a track in 1988 that sampled the theme song from Nightmare on Elm Street, which was a popular horror franchise. The villain was Freddy Kruger and he killed his victims in their dreams. He was a dream killer. I can't help but to think that America must be a dream killer to Martin's dream. I’m sure if he was alive today he would disapprove of the way he’s been quoted. I’m sure he would be disappointed in the nation we've become. He may even feel like his efforts were in vain. Yes. I’m sure he would be proud of our advancement and the upcoming inauguration of Kamala Harris, but overall I think he would feel like there was a nightmare on his street.
Fresh Anointing
Every time I hear the word, “anointing” I think about David and his brothers. 1 Samuel 16 speaks about the prophet Samuel coming to Jesse’s home. He meets seven of Jesse’s sons and then sends for the eighth son, David. Samuel anointed David in the presence of his brothers. The little shepherd boy tending to the sheep was God’s anointed. It wasn’t the oldest or the strongest. It wasn’t the smartest or even the seventh. It was the one everyone discounted. I want to remind you that in this season of newness, God is doing a new thing. God is looking for a remnant. God is sending a fresh anointing. It won’t be given to the expected. It won’t be given to the obvious choice. It will be given to the faithful. To those of you who have been serving and have been overlooked….your time is coming. To those of you who have been consistent and dedicated, God sees you. A fresh anointing is coming and it won’t miss you. Just like David, someone will send for you because purpose comes to a place. Continue praying. Continue serving. Continue being faithful because a fresh anointing is coming.
Thy kingdom come
One of the first prayers I learned was the Lord’s prayer. It is a template of how the disciples are supposed to pray. I’ve mouthed those words a thousand times without any extra thought or meaning about what I was really asking God to do in my life let alone the world. “Thy kingdom come" literally is a petition for God to reign. You are giving God permission to have his way in your life. You are giving God permission to set up residence in your life. You are asking God to make your world like heaven. Maybe that explains why there is so much turmoil. Light and darkness can’t exact in the same space. Peace and war are opposite extremes. Just remember the next time you pray these words what you are really praying. God let your kingdom come.