Four years ago I said yes to the unknown. I agreed to be with my husband through better and worse, through riches and poverty and sickness and health. We have no idea what these extremes look like when we are mouthing the words at the altar of our choosing. We have no idea how the stressors of life will affect our lives and our marriage. We don’t know what caregiving and unstable job markets will do to our union. We don’t know how kids will utterly disrupt our norm. We don’t know what life looks like after “I do.” Each year, we say “yes” again to the unknown. Each year we sign our names at the bottom of a contract not knowing what the following year may bring. That’s marriage….it’s jumping in the deep end holding hands. It’s saying, "I might not like you, but I love you, and we are going to get through this together.” Marriage is saying it might be our last, but we will spend it together. Marriage is signing a contract you never intend to break.