How big is your faith? I was inspired by a fellow blogger, Brittany Bonnaffons. She is a former classmate of mine. She has a blog that is nothing short of inspiring. So much so, that it inspired this Facebook post in response to her post.
For those of you who have given up....for those of you who have thrown in the towel....for those of you who have said, "I can't take anymore!" For those of you who think that you are beyond broken and beyond ain't over till God says it's over! This too shall pass and you shall come out as pure gold. The test is only for a season. Big prayers don't always require big faith. Remember the mustard seed. Hold on!
Mustard Seed Facts:
Seeds are usually about 1 to 2 millimetres (0.039 to 0.079 in) in diameter.
They are an important regional spice.
Grinding or mixing the seeds with water and vinegar produce mustard.
Mustard seeds take seven to ten days to germinate.
If you have faith the size of a mustard seed:
It doesn’t require Big Faith.
Your faith is important to your region. (Matthew 5:13- You are the salt of the Earth)
If you mix your faith with something else, it can produce something on your behalf.
It won’t take long for your Faith to grow.
According to scripture, you can Move Mountains.
Nothing will be impossible to you.
Matthew 17:20-21- Because you have so little faith, " He answered. "For truly I tell you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there, ' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."