I was a very inquisitive child. I always wanted to know why something existed. I thought things should have a reason for existence and that there should always be a reason why. I believed in facts, not fiction. Ah, the wisdom of youth. Life has a way of teaching hard lessons. Everything can't be explained and sometimes the "why" comes later. Truthfully, if you live long enough sometimes there is never an explanation. Sometimes, we are left to wonder, and accept things we just don't understand. The universe is a wonder. The human body, and how it functions are a wonder. The brain is a wonder. Nature is a wonder. Learn to appreciate that sometimes you won't have all the answers. Know that it's ok to not know the "why." Find peace in knowing that there are many other unexplained wonders, and there is beauty in simply not knowing.
“Wonder is the beginning of wisdom.” - Socrates