Yesterday, we announced that we are expecting a child this fall. The love and support has been nothing short of overwhelming. The word expectation is defined as a strong belief that something will happen. I’ve always wanted children. I’ve seen myself with children, but never knew the “when” or the “who.” The “who” came and we waited on the “when.” It was not when we were planning. It was when God said so. It was in due season. It was when God ordained it. Even now, I’m still waiting. I still have expectation. I know this child is coming. I have a due date, but its still out of my control. Truthfully, my “when” and the Dr.’s “when” may not be God’s “when.” Whatever you are trusting God for, know that it will come when God says so, and even then you’re gonna have to wait. Waiting is the prerequisite for expectation.