Filtering by Tag: Positivity
Be Positive
Be positive! It is a choice. It is a conscious decision. When you are faced with a challenging situation, you have a choice. You can choose to be negative or you can be positive. Things could always be worse. Count your blessings. Did you wake up? Do you have food to eat? Do you have a roof over your head? Do you have clothes on your back? There is someone sleeping in their car. There is someone with only the clothes on their back. There is someone who has lost everything. You can afford to look on the bright side. Be Positive!
As a child, I loved hearing creation stories. I was amazed at how much detail was put into our existence. There is so much beauty to admire, from the stars in the sky to the hidden treasures we continue to discover. Life is a beautiful journey of self-discovery. Everyday, we have the ability to create. Everyday, we make choices that manifest our destiny. We possess the power of creation. We have the ability to change our mind and our circumstances with a word. We can use words that empower us or words that hinder us. We can deny our greatness or we can embrace it. We can manifest our hidden treasures or we can keep them buried. We were all created with a purpose in mind. Manifest your purpose. Manifest your destiny. Manifest your dreams. Speak life.
There is power in spoken word. There are lots of "new age" thinking based on this logic. The Power of Positive Thinking is based on faith and inspiration. The Law of Attraction is based on affirmations, declarations, and visualization. The Secret is based on positive thinking and the law of attraction. These are not new ideas. The branding and marketing is new. Reaping and sowing is not new. It is an agricultural principle. If you sow an apple seed, you will reap an apple tree. If you sow love, you will reap and abundance of love. Make positive declarations over your life and your future. Create a vision board. Sketch your dream house. Name your kids. Write a few morning affirmations. Create a breeding ground for creativity and positivity. Make a declaration!