Filtering by Tag: Easter
Can you imagine knowing that you’re going to die in four days? Can you imagine a friend betraying you for money? I can’t. No matter how hard I try. I find it difficult to imagine giving my life for the very people who would decide to murder me. I struggle with basic forgiveness. I’m so grateful that God saw fit to save a wretch like me. I’m so grateful that God’s passion does not compare to my own. This week I’m reminded of God’s sacrifice for me. I’m grateful for a debt being paid that I would have cost me my life. I’m grateful for the passion of Christ.
Christians all over the world are celebrating Passion Week. It is the week that Jesus entered Jerusalem and culminates with his resurrection. Children are practicing their Easter speeches and looking forward to opening Easter baskets filled with chocolate bunnies that have nothing to do with Christ's resurrection. Easter is also a pagan celebration of the spring equinox and fertility. For centuries, these celebrations have coincided. However, which one is eternal? Jesus was so driven by his passion that he was willing to die for it. True passion is based in love and love is sacrificial. Are you willing to die for your passion? Is your passion eternal? True passion is based in love and love is sacrificial.