Well with my Soul
I grew up reading Revelations and red book hymnals in church. The choir marched in and wore embroidered robes. Deacons started service with devotion. The church program was a four page newspaper. Tithes and Offerings was a wooden plaque that was updated weekly. Church fans had MLK picture and local funeral home information on the back. Sunday school attendance was a thing. I knew I was gonna be in church at least three times a week between services, rehearsals and midweek bible study. I might have resented it at the time, but I’m better for it. I knew the Sunday morning nudges were coming after a late night Saturday. I knew gospel would start my Saturday morning, if I spent the night by my grandparents house. I understand that pace a bit more day by day. I get why the mother’s wailed at the altar. It’s because of all those collective moments that I can say that despite 2020, it is well with my soul.