Khia Stone

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unc·​tion | \ ˈəŋ(k)-shən \

1: the act of anointing as a rite of consecration or healing

2: something used for anointing : OINTMENT, UNGUENT

3a: religious or spiritual fervor or the expression of such fervor

b: exaggerated, assumed, or superficial earnestness of language or manner

I’ve learned that the unction of the holy spirit is more like a nudge than a push. It’s subtle. It’s slight. It’s suggestive. It is not forceful. It still leaves room for free will and choice. It’s a whisper. It’s a thought. It’s a suggestion. It’s direction. It’s still up to us to follow it. God will unction in small, subtle ways. Are you paying attention? Are you listening?