Khia Stone

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Abundant Life

The bible speaks about God's ability to bless us abundantly. God's love is described as being abounding. God’s desire for our life is the exceedingly abundant. How do we get to live the life that God desires for us? Follow God’s word. Heed his instruction. Make prayerful decisions. Seek the counsel of elders. Ask for wisdom. Wait for godly answers. Accept the consequences of past decisions and make an effort to be a good steward moving forward. The abundant life is within reach, but it does require you to do things differently. Change is how we get to live the life God desires for us. Acceptance is the path to the abundant life. Obedience is the key to successfully navigating God’s will for our lives, because it won’t always make sense. God uses the foolish to confound the wise. Trust the plan, but more importantly, trust God.