Khia Stone

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Be Still and Know....

The knowing isn’t the hard part. It’s the “be still” part that gets me every time. I’ve got things to do on my “to-do” list. There is a mound of laundry. The kitchen needs a once over. The bathroom needs to be cleaned. The kids need something. My mother needs something. I’m being pulled in multiple directions. How can I possibly “ be still.” In order to “be still,” you have to make a deliberate effort to give God time. You have to give God time to be acknowledged, to be praised, and to speak. When we are still, we can hear God. We can acknowledge the small still voice that says, “rest in me.” We can cry out because we can’t do everything in our own strength. When we are still, we can have peace with things being undone. We can know that God will never put more on us than we can bear. Most of know that we can cast our cares on God, but we aren’t still enough to hear the encouragement. We miss the peace of God when we aren’t still. Mute the distractions around you and focus. Be still and know….I am God.