Khia Stone

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New Normal

New Normal is a term in business and economics that refers to financial conditions following the financial crisis of 2007-2008 and the aftermath of the 2008–2012 global recession. The term has since been used in a variety of other contexts to imply that something which was previously abnormal has become commonplace.

What's your new normal? What is America's new normal? I remember when profanity was not a commonplace for primetime tv. I remember when songs had clean versions not just radio edits. I remember when games were criticized for excessive violence. I remember when rap music was the subject of congressional hearings. I remember when social meant human interaction. I remember when "live entertainment" did not include being a witness to murder and police brutality. Our new normal has desensitized us. Our new normal doesn't value life. Our new normal doesn't value family. Our new normal doesn't celebrate our differences. Our new normal is fear. Our new normal has created no expectation of justice. Our new normal is depression. Our new normal is violence. Our new normal is distraction. Our new normal is self destruction.