Khia Stone

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We are creatures of habit. We have routines, schedules, calendar invites, and all sorts of alarms, alerts, and notifications to keep us on task. We "pencil in" people in our agendas. We workout during our lunch break, or we just work through our lunch. So, we can write it off as a "business lunch." We are so busy. But, are we really living this life that God gave us? Is our life exceedingly abundantly beyond what we could think or ask? Are we thriving or just surviving? If we really want to be honest with ourselves, it's the latter. We have achieved a degree of comfort, and we have set our lives on cruise control. We re-adjust if we hit a bump, but most of us have a rather mundane existence. It's time to shake things up. Don't just survive. Thrive! 

"My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style."-Maya Angelou