Khia Stone

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Low Visibility

Forecasters often warn about driving in fog, rain or snow due to low visibility. Visibility is measured by the distance in which light or an object can be clearly discerned. Meteorologists recommend that you use extreme caution, use your low beams, slow down, minimize distractions and use the white fog line on the side of the road as a guide. In life, you will experience moments of low visibility. You will be unsure of what direction to take. You will be confused about your next step. You will most likely question your journey and your current route. You will have no sense of discernment. There is no need to fear. Continue to move forward with caution. Focus on your destination. Slow down. Ignore the distractions. Let your inner voice guide you until you have clear vision. 

Psalm 119:105  (KJV) Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.