Khia Stone

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It seems that the old adage, "what happens in the dark will come to light," is ringing true now more than ever. The past indiscretions of Hollywood executives, politicians, and other men in power is finally coming into the light. Women are coming forward about things that had been brushed under rugs and whispered about in back rooms. They are not just living their truth, but telling it as well. I applaud their efforts, but I wonder if they will ever have justice. I wonder if a slap on the wrist in an all boy's club will be enough. What does justice look like for these women?What does justice look like for the victims that never made headlines? What does justice look like for all the colored girls who considered suicide? What does justice look like for victims long buried?  

"I'm for truth, no matter who tells it. I'm for justice, no matter who it's for or against."- Malcolm X